RVing on TV

If you are visiting American RV Park in New Mexico as an RVer, you might be a fan of the many TV shows touting the RV lifestyle. The popular The Great American Country Channel hosts three programs: Flippin’ RVs, Rock my RV with Bret Michaels and RV Nation.

Flipping RVs

In this program, Justin and Anna Scribner, a resourceful couple, roam the US seeking vintage trailers and RVs. They focus on visiting RV graveyards for the diamond in the rough RV. Hauling it back to their Bend, Oregon home, they undertake RV transformations in their shop. The goal is to make these prior piles of junk into luxury homes on wheels.


Rock My RV with Brett Michaels

The rocker, Bret Michaels, from the band, Poison, is certainly an RV enthusiast! And no wonder…his childhood experiences include many, many road trips in a Winnebago with his family. Those memories stayed with him. His program features a team that turns ordinary RVs into mansions on wheels! In addition to his current state-of-the-art tour bus, Bret truly understands what RVs mean to their owners.


RV Nation

This program is all about the world of tricked out RVs. The show takes the viewer through the design and construction of the largest, most elaborate motor homes out there.

As Matthew McConaughey, the actor, said about RVing:

“There’s nothing not to like about it. The freedom of being able to pull up, stop, power up anywhere you want beach or whatever. Set up and have your front yard different every single day. Whatever you want it to be, and to see the country that way it’s awesome.”